Modern Heathen Humbugs
A scale of superstition and religious beliefs of to-day, arranged from
the lowest to the highest, would show many curious coincidences with
another scale, which should trace the history of superstitions and
religious beliefs backward in time toward the origin of man. Thus, for
instance, the heathen humbugs, whether revolting or ridiculous, which I
am to speak of in this chapter, are in full blast to day; and they
h perfect specimens of the beliefs which prevailed among the
heathen of four thousand and of eighteen hundred years ago; of the
Chaldee and Canaanite superstitions, and equally of those of the Romans
under Augustus Caesar.
The most dirty, vulgar, low, silly and absurd of all the superstitions
in the world are, as is natural, those of the darkest minded of all the
heathen, who have any superstition at all. For, as if for the
humiliation of our proud human nature, there are really some human
beings who seem to have too little intellect even to rise to the height
of a superstition. Such are the Andaman Islanders, who crawl on all
fours, wear nothing but a plaster of mud to keep the musquitos off, eat
bugs, and grubs, and ants, and turn their children out to shift for
themselves as soon as the little wretches can learn to crawl and eat
These lowest of superstitions are Fetishism and Obi, believed and
practiced by negro tribes, and, remember this, even by their ignorant
white mistresses in the West Indies and in the United States, to day.
Yes, I know where Southern refugee secessionist women are living in and
about New York city at this moment, who really believe in the negro
witchcraft called Obi, practiced by the slaves.
A Fetish is anything not a living being, worshiped because supposed to
be inhabited by some god. In some parts of Africa the Fetishes are a
sort of guardian divinity, and there is one for each district like a
town constable; and sometimes one for each family. The Fetish is any
stone picked up in the street--a tree, a chip, a rag. It may be some
stone or wooden image--an old pot, a knife, a feather. Before this
precious divinity the poor darkeys bow down and worship, and sometimes,
sacrifice a sheep or a rooster. Each more important Fetish has a priest,
and here is where the humbug comes in. This gentleman lives on the
offerings made to the Fetish, and he "exploits" his god, as a Frenchman
would say, with great profit.
Obi or Obeah, is the name of the witchcraft of the negro tribes; and the
practitioner is termed an Obi-man or Obi-woman. They practice it at home
in Africa, and carry it with them to continue it when they are made
slaves in other lands. Obi is now practiced, as I have already hinted,
in Cuba and in the Southern States, and is believed in by the more
ignorant and foolish white people, as much as by their barbarous
slaves. Obi is used only to injure, and the way to perform it upon your
enemy is, to hire the Obi man or woman to concoct a charm, and then to
hide this, or cause it to be hidden, in some place about the person or
abode of the victim where he will find it. He is expected thereupon to
fall ill, to wither and waste away, and so to die.
Absurd as it may seem, this cursing business operates with a good deal
of certainty on the poor negroes, who fall sick instantly on finding the
ball of Obi, two or three inches in diameter, hidden in their bed, or in
the roof, or under the threshold, or in the earthen floor of their huts.
The poor wretches become dejected, lose appetite, strength, and spirits,
grow thin and ill, and really wither away and die. It is a curious fact,
however, that if under these circumstances you can cause one of them to
become converted to Christianity, or to become a Christian by
profession, he becomes at once free from the witches' dominion and
quickly recovers.
The ball of Obi--or, as it is called among the Brazilian negroes,
Mandinga--may be made of various materials, always, I believe, including
some which are disgusting or horrible. Leaves of trees and scraps of rag
may be used; ashes, usually from bones or flesh of some kind; pieces of
cats' bones and skulls, feathers, hair, earth, or clay, which ought to
be from a grave; teeth of men and of snakes, alligators or other beasts;
vegetable gum, or other sticky stuff; human blood, pieces of eggshell,
etc., etc. This mixture is curiously like that in the witches' caldron
in Macbeth, which, among other equally toothsome matters, contained
frogs' toes, bats' wool, lizards' legs, owlets' wings, wolfs' teeth,
witches' mummy, Jew's liver, tigers' bowels, and lastly, as a sort of
thickening to the gravy, baboon's blood.
A creole lady, now at the North, recently told a friend of mine that
"the negroes can put some pieces of paper, or powder, or something or
other in your shoes, that will make you sick, or make you do anything
they want!" The poor foolish woman told this with a face full of awe and
eyes wide open. Another lady known to me, long resident at the South,
tells me that the belief in this sort of devilism is often found among
the white people.
The practices called Vaudoux or Voudoux, are a sort of Obi; being, like
that, an invoking of the aid of some god to do what the worshipers wish.
The Vaudoux humbug is quite prevalent in Cuba, Hayti, and other West
India islands, where there are wild negroes, or where they are still
imported from Africa. There is also a good deal of this sort of humbug
among the slaves in New Orleans, and cases arising from it have recently
quite often appeared in the police reports in the newspapers of that
The Vaudoux worshipers assemble secretly, with a kind of chief witch or
mistress of ceremonies; there is a boiling caldron of hell-broth, a la
Macbeth; the votaries dance naked around their soup; amulets and charms
are made and distributed. During a quarter of a century last past, some
hundreds of these orgies have been broken up by the New Orleans police,
and probably as many more have come off as per programme. The Vaudoux
processes are most frequently appealed to for the purposes of some
unsuccessful or jealous lover; and the Creole ladies believe in
Vaudouxism as much as in Obi.
In the West Indies, the Vaudoux orgies are more savage than in this
country. It is but a little while since in Hayti, under the energetic
and sensible administration of President Geffrard, eight Vaudoux
worshipers were regularly tried and executed for having murdered a young
girl, the niece of two of them, by way of human sacrifice to the god.
They tied the poor child tight, put her in a box called a humfort, fed
her with some kind of stuff for four days, and then deliberately
strangled her, beheaded her, flayed her, cooked the head with yams, ate
of the soup, and then performed a solemn dance and chant around an altar
with the skull on it.
The Caffres in Southern Africa have a kind of humbug somewhat like the
Obi-men, who are known as rainmakers. These gentlemen furnish what
blessing and cursing may be required for other purposes; but as that
country is liable to tremendous droughts, their best business is to make
rain. This they do by various prayers and ceremonies, of which the most
important part is, receiving a large fee in advance from the customer.
The rain-making business, though very lucrative, is not without its
disadvantages; for whenever Moselekatse, or Dingaan, or any other chief
sets his rainmaker at work, and the rain was not forthcoming as per
application, the indignant ruler caused an assegai or two to be stuck
through the wizard, for the encouragement of the other wizards. This
was not so unreasonable as it may seem; for if the man could not make
rain when it was wanted, what was he good for?
The ceremonies of the pow-wows or medicine-men of the North American
Indians, are less brutal than the African ones. These soothsayers, like
the Obi-men, prepared charms for their customers, usually, however, not
so much to destroy others as to protect the wearer. These charms consist
of some trifling matters tied up in a small bag, the "medicine-bag,"
which is to be worn round the neck, and will, it is supposed, insure the
wearer the special help and protection of the Great Spirit. The pow-wows
sometimes do a little in the cursing line.
There is a funny story of a Puritan minister in the early times of New
England, who coolly defied one of the most famous Indian magicians to
play off his infernal artillery. A formal meeting was had, and the
pow-wow rattled his traps, howled, danced, blew feathers, and
vociferated jargon until he was perfectly exhausted, the old minister
quietly looking at him all the time. The savage humbug was dumbfounded,
but quickly recovering his presence of mind, saved his home-reputation
by explaining to the red gentlemen in breech-cloths and nose-rings, that
the Yankee ate so much salt that curses wouldn't take hold on him at
The Shamans (or Schamans) of Siberia, follow a very similar business,
but are not so much priestly humbugs as mere conjurors. The Lamas, or
Buddhist leaders of Central and Southern Asia are, however, regular
priests, again, and may be said, with singular propriety, to "run their
machine" on principles of thorough religious humbug, for they do really
pray by a machine. They set up a little mill to go by water or wind,
which turns a cylinder. On this cylinder is written a prayer, and every
time the barrel goes round once, it counts, they say, for one prayer. It
may be imagined how piety intensifies in a freshet, or in a heavy gale
of wind! And there is a ludicrous notion of economy, as well as a
pitiable folly in the conception of profiting by such windy
supplications, and of saving all one's time and thoughts for business,
while the prayers rattle out by the hundred at home. Only imagine the
pious fervor of one of these priests in a first-class Lowell mill, of
say a hundred thousand spindles. Print a large edition of some good
prayer and paste a copy on each spindle, and the place would seem to him
the very gate of a Buddhist heaven. He would feel sure of taking heaven
by storm, with a sustained fire of one hundred thousand prayers every
second. His first requisite for a prosperous church would be a good
water-power for prayer-mills. And yet, absurd as these prayer-mills of
the heathen really are, it may not be safe to bring them under
unqualified condemnation: for who among us has not sometimes heard windy
prayers even in our Christian churches? Young clergymen are especially
liable and, I might say, prone to this mockery. These, however, are but
exceptions to the general Christian rule, viz.: that the Omniscient
careth only for heart-service; and that, before Him, all mere
lip-service or machine-service, is simply an abomination.
A less innocent kind of praying is one of the religious humbugs of the
bloody and cruel Sandwich Islands form of heathenism. Here a practice
prevailed, and does yet, of paying money to a priest to pray your enemy
to death. For cash in advance, this bargain could always be made, and so
groveling was the spiritual cowardice of these poor savages, that, like
the negro victim of Obi, the man prayed at seldom failed to sicken as
soon as he found out what was going on, and to waste away and die.
This bit of heathen humbug now in operation, from so many distant
portions of the earth, shows how radically similar is all heathenism. It
shows, too, how mean, vulgar, filthy, and altogether vile, is such
religion as man, unassisted, contrives for himself. It shows, again, how
sadly great is the proportion of the human race still remaining in this
brutal darkness. And, by contrast, it affords us great reason for
thankfulness that we live in a land of better culture, and happier hopes
and practices.