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All Inconsiderate People
A California Coal Mine
Some twelve years ago or so, in the early days of Californian immigration, a curious little business humbug came off about six miles from Monterey. A United States officer, about the year 1850, was on his way into the interior on a surveying exped...
A Religious Humbug On John Bull
Joanna Southcott was born at St. Mary's Ottery in Devonshire, about the year 1750. She was a plain, stout-limbed, hard-fisted farmer lass, whose toils in the field--for her father was in but very moderate circumstances--had tawned her complexion a...
Adulterations In Drinks: List Ofthings To Make Rum Things To Color It With
As long as the people of the United States tipple down rum and other liquors at the rate of a good deal more than one hundred million gallons a year, besides what is imported and what is called imported--as long as they pay for their tippling ...
Adulterations Of Food And Liquor
It was about eight hundred and fifty years before Christ when the young prophet cried out to his master, Elisha, over the pottage of wild gourds, "There is death in the pot!" It was two thousand six hundred and seventy years afterward, in 1820, th...
Another Lottery Humbug
The readiness with which people will send off their money to a swindler is perfectly astounding. It does really seem as if an independent fortune could be made simply by putting forth circulars and advertisements, requesting the receiver to send f...
Apollonius Of Tyana
The annals of ancient history are peculiarly rich in narratives of pretension and imposition, and either owing to the greater ignorance and credulity of mankind, or the superior skill of gifted but unscrupulous men in those days, present a few exa...
Banner Of Light And Messages From The Dead
"The Banner of Light," a weekly journal of romance, literature, and general intelligence, published in Boston, is the principal organ of spiritualism in this country. Its "general intelligence" is rather questionable, though there is no doubt abou...
Brandreth's Pills The Real Power Of Imagination
In the year 1834, Dr. Benjamin Brandreth commenced advertising in the city of New York, "Brandreth's Pills specially recommended to purify the blood." His office consisted of a room about ten feet square, located in what was then known as the Sun ...
Business Humbugs
In the "good old times," people were just as eager after money as they are now; and a great deal more vulgar, unscrupulous, and foolish in their endeavors to get it. During about two hundred years after the discovery of America, that continent was...
Charms And Incantations
It is worth while to print in plain English for my readers a good selection of the very words which have been believed, or are still believed, to possess magic power. Then any who choose, may operate by themselves or may put some bold friend up in...
Count Cagliostro Alias Joseph Balsamo Known Also As Cursed Joe
One of the most striking, amusing, and instructive pages in the history of humbug is the life of Count Alessandro di Cagliostro, whose real name was Joseph or Giuseppe Balsamo. He was born at Palermo, in 1743, and very early began to manifest his ...
Definition Of The Word Humbug
Upon a careful consideration of my undertaking to give an account of the "Humbugs of the World," I find myself somewhat puzzled in regard to the true definition of that word. To be sure, Webster says that humbug, as a noun, is an "imposition under...
Demonstrations By Sampson Under A Table
Considerable excitement has been created in various parts of the West by a young woman, whose name need not here be given, who pretends to be a "medium for physical manifestations." She is rather tall and quite muscular, her general manner and...
Diamond Cut Diamond Or Yankee Superstitions
There is a story that on a great and solemn public occasion of the Romish Church, a Pope and a Cardinal were, with long faces, performing some of the gyrations of the occasion, when, instead of a pious ejaculation and reply, which were down in the...
Doctors And Imagination
Medical humbugs constitute a very critical subject indeed, because I shall be almost certain to offend some of three parties concerned, namely; physicians, quacks, and patients. But it will never do to neglect so important a division of my who...
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The Miscegenation Hoax
The Whale The Angel Fish And The Golden Pigeon
Apollonius Of Tyana
Old Grizzly Adams
Brandreth's Pills The Real Power Of Imagination
Doctors And Imagination
Spiritual Letters On The Arm How To Make Them Yourself
Count Cagliostro Alias Joseph Balsamo Known Also As Cursed Joe
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Humbug Universal - In Religion - In Politics - In Business - In Science - In Medicine
Definition Of The Word Humbug
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Spiritualist Humbugs Waking Up
The Princess Cariboo Or The Queen Of The Isles
The Peter Funks And Their Functions
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